Oat is an ingredient with a variety of options. It is not only healthy but also highly recommended for active athletes and those on a diet. However, only few people know that it has a long history in gastronomy as well, from Scotland to America.

Warm oatmeal porridge is a traditional breakfast in North European countries, with a pinch of salt and enriched with raisins or almonds. They are mostly served with dairy products and topped with something sweet. In Denmark, many eat it raw with fresh fruits.

Instead of cooking, people from the Scottish Highlands soaked the oat flakes in salty water for the night, then cooked the softened grain until thickening. Specific to the Scottish Highlands is that the flakes were produced by the coarse grinding of oat. The different varieties, from coarse to fine-grained, are integral parts of meals to this day.

When it comes to eating oats, Vermont in the United States also has old traditions. Oats were soaked for the night, then salt or sometimes maple syrup was added. Specific to the place, nutmeg, cinnamon or sometimes ginger was also used. After more than an hour of cooking, it was served with butter or milk.

Nowadays, only some of these traditions survived, but thanks to breakthrough innovations, such as the Cornexi oaty rolls, new traditions are also emerging.

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