Sugars have a major role in the performance of our body, since they have a huge impact on our physical condition and even affect our mood. Many natural sugars exist – for example glucose, fructose and galactose, a component of lactose.

However, consuming sugar is harmful only if it is not done in moderation. Reducing sugar content is a necessary trend not to be followed by all means though, however, we see that not only on the cereal market. Sugars (saccharose, glucose, fructose, etc.) are parts of the expanding range of human foods from the very beginning as natural sweeteners, sources of happiness and nutrition for the brain. Granulated sugar, cane sugar, powdered sugar or sometimes lactose are widely used in the households. The sweetest kind of sugar is fructose, followed by sucrose, then glucose, maltose and lactose.

50-55% of the daily energy requirement should be gained from carbohydrates. So, if the daily energy requirement is 2,000 kcal, around 245-270 g carbohydrate should be consumed per day. This includes the added sugars taking up no more than 10 energy percent according to the recommendations. In their natural state, fruits and vegetables contain, in addition to complex carbohydrates, different ratios of simple carbohydrates which, however, are not considered as added sugars.-

Sugar intake of an amount exceeding the minimum level will not cause weight gain if you follow a balanced diet, have an appropriate lifestyle and exercise regularly. The maximum amount of sugar intake is defined at 10 energy percent. Surveys show that fortunately, this percentage value is decreasing in Hungary, nevertheless, obesity rates are increasing. The main reason for this may be physical inactivity and excessive fat consumption.

Artificial sweeteners have a much more intensive effect than the simple sugars used in the households. They mean virtually no energy to the body, do not cause weight gain and do not harm the dental enamel. Artificial sweeteners do not contribute to the weight of the product they are used in as sweeteners, as, due to their intensive sweetening effect, they are sufficient in very small amounts. They do not affect the blood sugar level and do not increase the insulin requirement. The four most common intensive sweeteners are saccharine, acesulfame K, aspartame and cyclamate.

Natural sweeteners are stevia, erythritol, honey, etc. However nowadays, instead of reasonably reducing the excessive intake of certain nutrients (such as sugar), which is a disease of civilisation, we try to eliminate any kind of sugar from our nutrition, in accordance with the newest trends, by substituting sugar with basically anything, while not considering the dangers of the “anything”. The Cornexi product range also includes, in every category, products with no added sugar in accordance with the market demands, however, the amount of sugar and thus sweetness and flavour intensity are reduced in these products only to the extent so that the product complies with the “free from” trends in terms of content, but for consumption you do not need to add for example instant (sweetened) cocoa or sweetened fruits (based on personal experience) to achieve acceptable enjoyment. Source: Diéta és Fitnesz

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